Sequel to the series of training carried out earlier this year on School Related Gender Based Violence in six public primary schools in Ibadan. Youthcare Development and Empowerment Initiative visited the schools to interact with the pupils trained. The interaction was conducted to obtain feedback and follow up on the previous training as it relates to School Related Gender-Based Violence (SRGBV). The school visit team visited each of the 6 schools 3 times for the period of 3 months.
Below are the number cases recorded within that period;

1Saint Cyprians Primary School, Oluyoro 13 10 23
2Saint Stephen Primary School, Alegongo, Akobo 108 18
3Community Primary School, Ikolaba 8 8 16
4I.D.C Basic School, Akobo 6 9 15
5Abadina Primary School, UI 8 5 13
6Saint Paul Primary School, Yanbule 6 8 14
TOTAL 51 48 99

Cases ranges from:
Sexual harassment, Rape, Consented sex & Aggressive bullying.