Youthcare Development and Empowerment Initiative mission and goals include but not limited to; Content development for life-long learning; Empowerment and Skills Acquisition. This formed the bedrock of Youthcare Mentorship and Skill acquisition program which was birthed in the year 2020 with the first cohort of mentees graduating in August 2021. The second cohort of mentees was admitted into the program in September 2021.

The program kick started in September 2021 with the Life Skills and Mentorship aspect being imparted to the mentees. This took place twice a month and was put to close in December 2021. The Skill acquisition aspect of the program began in January 2022 with baking and computer training classes. Sadly, we had to put it on hold due to the fact that most adolescents in this cohort are SSS3 students and they need to prepare for their SSCE and JAMB exam, therefore, Youthcare organized tutorial classes for them, which was worthwhile because most of them came out in flying colours in their exams.

Few days after their last SSCE exam, the Skill acquisition aspect of the program continued on the 19th of August, 2022. The skills taught include; Baking; Photography; Microsoft Excel; Microsoft Word; Microsoft Powerpoint; and Programming. Life skills lessons were also revised to refresh their memory.

On the 9th of September, 2022, the second cohort of mentees graduated with a closing ceremony where they exhibited their skills, and certificate was awarded to them.