Youthcare Development and Empowerment Initiative (YcDEI) with support from the Nigerian Women Trust Fund (NWTF) organized a very practical hands-on workshop on Institutional Strengthening. The workshop was leisurely paced between the 25th of November, 2022, and the 3rd of March, 2023 (weekends only). In her welcome/opening address, the executive director of YcDEI, Dr. Adefunke Ekine in the company of the NWTF representatives, briefed all the participants, staff, volunteers, and partners present, on what the workshop was about and encouraged participants to write down their expectations of the workshop. A welcome remark was also given by Mrs. Bosede Jaiyeola the grant manager of the Nigerian Women Trust Fund (NWTF) who represented the Nigerian Women Trust Fund (NWTF) at the occasion.
Dr. Dare Adeoye, an erudite scholar and experienced facilitator who anchored the opening sessions, took the participants through the nitty gritty of Strategic and Action Planning for NGOs after which he exposed the participants to the importance and the appropriate timing for NGOs to make effective strategic plans that can help them to secure funding for their programs while emphasizing the difference between strategic plans and grant proposals.
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