On 12th Oct 2020, the director of YcDEI and some of the volunteers paid a visit to a member of the board of Youthcare Development & Empowerment Initiative in the person of Dr (Dame) Oluremi Iyun. She is a mother and a grandmother to many. She is a strong advocate of the girl child. It was a robust time of discussion with her as she shared with us how a girl child is to be raised. According to her, a girl child is to be raised the same way the boy child is raised without any form of discrimination. She gave an example of how she raised her female children the same way she raised her Male children. She added that education is something that should remain paramount for all children and preference should not only be given to the boy child alone.
The girl child according to her should be educated and whatever support she may need to excel should be given to her adequately.
Thereafter she took the team around her garden and a group picture was taken.
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